

Staff member



  • The act of exploiting the software or the game for any commercial purpose, including the buying or selling of items, mesos or services for money, barter or exchange in the real world, is prohibited.
  • Borrowing/Lending of Crypto Point, DP or any items with a value in kind is not allowed in the game as it raises suspicions towards out-of-game transactions. (RMT = Real Money Trade).
  • Multi-accounts in the game are only subject to a maximum of 2 accounts per user, if any user is caught using mules to abuse any system such as DP farming or other exclusive items, they could be permanently banned.
  • Only one account is allowed to participate in active play, be it events, mini-games, prize redemption, farming, trading, PQ or others. The second account must only have one character and can be used for fishing/warehouse/personal store. This rule applies to all accounts under the SAME IP/MAC, despite using multiple computers/devices.
  • Sharing of accounts is strictly prohibited. You are advised not to log into another user’s account.
  • Avoid receiving and/or accepting gifts from other users, or save their items in your account. You may face charges for suspicion of complicity in illegal activity. If you become suspicious of such a user, report it and you may be cleared of all liability.
  • Refunds for any accidental recycling under the recycle option will NOT be provided.
  • Be responsible with what you say and how you say it. The content you share in our community will always be authored by you. The quality of our conversations depends on our way of sharing arguments and opinions. Unfounded criticism impoverishes the dialogue.
  • Promote through your behavior the rejection of any form of discrimination. For example, gender, age, ethnic, racial, religious, socioeconomic or any other type of discrimination. Do not attack people, whether they are users or not of our community.
  • We believe in discussion on the basis of arguments and ideas. We reserve the right to moderate comments that contain insults and/or personal qualifications to the author, persons or other commentators.
  • Respect the Spot of a user no matter what level he/she is.
  • Always try to use the correct channel for the comment to write, it serves to maintain order within the community and avoid spamming in channels that were created exclusively for a specific topic.
  • Avoid using hack, cheats, bugs, etc., that serve to take advantage of other users.
  • Report any weird behavior and not be part of illegality, using or taking advantage of it directly or indirectly can cause permanent ban without appeal.
  • Violation of any of the rules listed above will result in a warning, temporary ban or permanent ban depending on the severity of the infraction.
  • All violations will be recorded and stored as necessary to enforce these rules.
  • The act of exploiting any type of documented or undocumented bug/flaw, in the game design or the use of third party programs with the intent to duplicate items, may result in a permanent ban.
  • The abuse and/or act of attempting to, or successfully circumventing, voting restrictions may result in a permanent ban.
  • Avoid sexual harassment and/or harassment that has to do with respect or any other type, and that can lead to a permanent ban from the server, as long as the person reports it or another person has proof.
  • BlackMMS is not responsible for the loss of items in its Personal Store, if the user is violating any of the rules and is sanctioned with 24hr JAIL. The first warning is JAIL, the next is PERMANENT BAN
  • If you were penalized (with JAIL), and a member of the BlackMMS Staff finds you breaking the rules again, the degree of the penalty will increase drastically up to a permanent ban of all your accounts. That is why you must remember that you are only allowed to use two accounts.
  • It is forbidden to use macro/botting on this server; if you are caught, you will receive a JAIL sanction and if you are caught for the second time, the sanction will be a permanent ban (either by using any object, to hold down the key on the keyboard).
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