

Staff member

In order to create an enhancement item, we can make use of the @craft command, which will allow us to create items from a predefined list.

Each upgrade item has a cost, which can be viewed in the center of the crafting menu.

Example: To create a x1 Super Miracle Cube, it is required to have x10 Miracle Cubes.


  • On the left side of the crafting menu is the list of all the items that can be created, to select one, just click on it.
  • On the right side of the crafting menu, it shows the total amount of required items we have in our inventory.

At the bottom of the central section, you can choose the quantity you wish to create.


Each creation of x1 item has a time span of 1sec, so the more items you create, the longer it may take.

If you want to create an item with a quantity greater than x10, you can use the @craft [quantity] command combination.

Example: I want to create Genesis Power Scroll in packs of x30 units.



The @craft command supports the creation of packages up to x1000.

  • Always remember to check first that you have enough space in your inventory before creating an item.
  • Any attempt to exploit a flaw in this mechanism leads to a permanent ban.
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